Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A day draws near

"A day draws near that I have looked for in all the years of my manhood, and when it comes I would have my friends beside me." - Aragorn, The Return of the King

I remember driving home in near-total ecstasy on the night of Thursday, August 23, unable to believe what God had just allowed me to experience with the love of my life. Since I am, of course, a Lord of the Rings nerd, the above quote popped into my brain, and I resolved to post it on my blog.

Except, I quickly realized, it wasn't really that appropriate for the onset of my and Lana's courtship. It would find more apt use in the announcement of our wedding date. Accordingly, I give it now.

It gives me great pleasure to announce to the breathless ears of cyberspace, that if the Lord wills, Lana Marie and I will be united in holy matrimony on Friday, May 23. Please mark your calendars and make your plans accordingly.

As for where the wedding and reception will take place and what time, we'll let you know when we get a little closer to May 23.

Shalom out, my Hebrew homies.


Unknown said...

Haha, that was the quote I expected, my love!
I am SOOOOOOO happy....
Ya'll cannot guess how hard it was to not write that we set the date, while waiting on Luke to post it :^P
I love you, my Luke, my wonderful knight in shining armor, who surpasses Aragorn in nobility, kindness, and dangerousness...
~your princess

Luke Hobbs said...

Ha, just had a thought -- Brittany could have never lived with all the sappiness. And talk about being ignored; she ain't seen nothing yet!!

(To the rest of ye: Brittany is Lana's cousin, except not really, you know; and the other day she was jokingly asking if she could come live with us when we got married. The proposal elicited a sharp veto from yours truly.)

I could reciprocate my lover's praise, but the sappiness might overwhelm the rest of the readership.


I love you too, my Lana, my incredible princess, fairest of face among the daughters of men, outshining Arwen Undomiel and even her foremother Luthien Tinuviel in grace, beauty, and strength.
~your knight

Anonymous said...

ya'll are so sweet..... :P
Ah, now I see why you ignored my question about the date on Lana's blog... LOL poor Lana I only made it harder to keep her mouth shut! :) sorry!
Ohhh this is *so* exciting!!! And that is so cool that you'll be getting married exactly nine months after you started courting.... :D What's the deal with 23 though? Is that your fav number or something? LOL
your proud, excited sis,

Luke Hobbs said...

It was Michael Jordan's number. Oh wait, you probably don't know who that is...
Just teasing you, sis. No, I certainly didn't pick out the 23rd of August because 23 has any significance to me. Of course, it was a different story when the time came to set the wedding date.

Unknown said...

Once we started courting on Aug 23, and then commented on every twenty third of a month as our [insert number here] anniversary, I thought it'd be cool to get married on a 23... Once we thought about getting married in May, I jumped all over the 23, since it is a friday (and has the bonus of being two weeks after school gets out - not too long or too short after classes end)

So, yeah, Emma, that's how we picked it. It might be my fave number, now :^) that or 21 or 27...

haha, yeah, Brit, my sister/cousin who isn't. Almost decided not to let me marry Luke (she was gonna kidnap me and take me to Texas-of-all-places! ;^P ) until I let her read a letter and told her that he took me shoe shopping. Then she gave her blessing to us :^)

Luke, darling, if anyone tries to take me to Texas or anywhere else, you'll come get me, right? Iluvyou...
Oh, I'm sure the sappiness didn't overwhelm anyone. Besides, you gave ample warning of it. I love you, my man. I cannot believe we are getting married in, what, 140 days, right??

Emma said...

lol... yes, Luke, I *have* heard of Michael Jordan... basketball player, right? And tall... that's all I can tell ya, but are you proud of me?? :P

That's cool about the 23rd... even though I already said that. K, that sounded dumb. Oh well. I put up with your sappiness, you put up with my dumbness. :P lol jk...

*I* didn't mind the sappiness. Aren't you SUPPOSED to be sappy when you're in love and recently engaged and soon-to-be-married?? That's my opinion. :P Though it's apparently not EVERYONE's on here. lol

140 days, wow, that's quite precise... :P

Anonymous said...

:GRIN: When one puts how long it is to be in months it seems kinda far but 140days doesn't. Then again I am not the one in love and having to wait and plan and, did I mention, wait. I wanna see Lana all dolled up. And hear the pretty music. And this my shock some of ya'll but the beauty of that first kiss may bring tears to my eyes. Oh and... I need to make an e-mail. ROCK ON!

Pyrolord said...

There is not excactly anything wrong with sap, it just gets annoying(and sometimes downright unbearable:) sometimes. Most of you don't have to live with one of the halfs of the sappy couple, which tends to wear down ones tolerance towards said sappiness.

Anonymous said...

That's true, I do have some sympathy for both you and Hannah...

Pyrolord said...

Finally!! Sympathy given where sympathy is needed.
Does that make any sense??

Luke Hobbs said...

If you mean that romance is one of God's greatest gifts to mankind, then I heartily agree with you. ;-p

Hmm, but maybe you didn't mean that at all. Pity.

Anonymous said...

Sure it makes sense...

Anonymous said...

I wasn't thinking how hard it would be to LIVE with one of them... and I guess it's worse b/c you're a guy.... maybe?? Just a guess.... i really don't know... :P

Anonymous said...

"outshining Arwen Undomiel and even her foremother Luthien Tinuviel in grace, beauty, and strength"? Whoa!!! Lana not ANYBODY's gonna go with all that!
I shall make my plans accordingly. Talked to my dad. He said... nothing. Quite yet. He's thinking about it. I HOPE HE SAYS I CAN COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But ya know, I think 22 is my favorite number. It's my mom and dads anniversary day and I always wanted to get married on a 22nd of something. That's a little ahead huh?:P

Emma said...

yeah it is Meg.... :P

Anonymous said...

Warrior I didn't get "The Hobbit"!!! :O

Pyrolord said...

Did you read it all?? For the record, the LOTR trilogy is better than the hobbit.

Emma said...

No, I haven't read it all... didn't even have time to finish the first chapter, I don't think. :P Because *I* don't have a copy of it.... lol
But they told me to read the Hobbit first...

Pyrolord said...

You don't have to read the Hobbit first! you could never read the Hobbit and the rest of the books would still make perfect sense.
I'm pretty sure I read the trilogy first, 'cause the Hobbit was too boring. but then after reading past the first few chapters it got better :)

Luke Hobbs said...

Do not listen to this brigand of the hills, Emy. You COULD read LOTR without reading The Hobbit, but you SHOULDN'T. And LOTR is one book, divided into three volumes -- not a trilogy.

But of course you're right, Ton, that LOTR is better. Better than just about any work of fiction you'll ever read, IMHO.

Anonymous said...

Well, then, if I should read it first, I'll need a copy to read, and our library doesn't have it.... oh, dear, I just don't know what to do! :P lol

Unknown said...

Read the Hobbit first!

Luke, my love, I've gotta say, I think that as far as "works of fiction" are concerned, the circle trilogy by Ted DeKker is above LOTR. And in my esteem, Narnia is, too.
What mischief is in me, that I dare to express such unpopular opinions?
And here is another one… Do ya’ll think Emma will love LOTR as much as ya’ll do?
Emma, knowing you (not that I know you exceedingly well, but I do know that in some ways you are like me...) anyway, I imagine that you will enjoy the Hobbit and LOTR, and that you will understand more of the Hobbit than LOTR (much of which will confuse you, but Hannah and Meggy can clear it up for you!)
and that you will be in awe of the granduer and complexity of the story, and marvel at the poetic voice that Tolkien uses. And that you will decide that, while Tolkien is a very admirable writer, you still like Lewis more.
But, that's just what I imagine will happen if you read LOTR :^P
(and now wait to see a bunch of people jump all over me... :^P)

Anonymous said...

Well Lana you could be very right... b/c you're right, we are alike in some ways we've already found.... and as much as I love NARNIA, I can hardly imagine liking LOTR *that* much... :P I'm sure I'll like parts of it if I ever read it.... if my best friends and my big bro are such big fans of it, then I'm sure it's great... just might not end up being my fav. But I'm not allowed to read anything by Ted Dekker... Jazlynn forbid me. LOL Oh and speaking of Lewis, I'm borrowing "Mere Christianity" from Hannah.... haven't read it yet (it looks a little... dry) but I'll try. Someday. lol

Anonymous said...

something else about Lewis... isn't it horrible that his name is Clive Staples?? Who would give their kid the middle name STAPLES?? :P

Anonymous said...

Well, if he didn't have a horrible name, he couldn't well start off a book with:
"Once there was a boy named Eustace Clarence Scrubb. And he almost deserved it."
And about LOTR being 1 book in three I think that's a trinity. Right? Or a SAGA. That's Star warsy though huh?

Luke Hobbs said...

Circle Trilogy's awesome, Narnia's awesome, they don't compare to LOTR, IMHO.

Although, Emy, I'm fairly sure that Lana is correct in her prediction about you. You do seem to be the sort of person who would prefer Lewis to Tolkien, and there's of course nothing wrong with that; matter of personal taste.

Why do I love Tolkien's works more than Lewis'? Not really sure. Probably because of the world of Middle-earth; it's incredible to read the LOTR Appendices or Silmarillion or Unfinished Tales and discover the intricacies of a world that fully forms itself in the imagination. Everything fits together so perfectly, and it's all so glorious, and so tragic. It transcends the story of LOTR. And, to me, makes the story that much richer and more beautiful.

But it's certainly not wrong to prefer the story to the world, as my darling beloved does.

Meanwhile...well, I think I'll just write a post about the other thing that comes to my mind.

Anonymous said...

haha, ok.... wow, maybe I *shouldn't* read LOTR... :P JK, Meg...

Anonymous said...

I just read Lana's comment...and with all love and respect to her...
I dunno about Emy...I think she'd go for whatever I told her was the best, right, Emma??? Sorry, Luke, couldn't resist the oppurtunity.
Okay, I'm not trying to be obnoxious.... :P

Emma said...

Well, I don't know about that, who knows... with you and Meg telling me how great LOTR is, you never know.... but just to prove it to Daniel, maybe I'll try NOT to like LOTR just b/c ya'll have told me I will.... lol JK...
Anyway.... bye. :P
~Ileve or somethin like that :P


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