Friday, August 3, 2007

On the Nature of Posts, and, Fan the Flame

As you read this blog, you'll soon notice that some posts will be outrageously long, while others will be short ditties. Some will be movie updates, some will be grandiose musings on life and God, and some will be quickie capsules of my life.

Right now, I'm sitting at work -- an AT&T authorized agent store in Charleston, Arkansas. It's been a fairly uneventful day of work, but I'm looking forward to getting off here in a couple of minutes. Tomorrow we have an afternoon and evening of filming lined up, all stuff involving the villainous Gang.

Picking up this post again at home now. I love Blogger, BTW; automatically saves your drafts so you can pick them up again any ol' time you want. Amazing Stacey.

I'm about to go work on a Sunday night lesson for my youth group. I part-volunteered, was part-enlisted, as "Sunday night coordinator" for our youth at First Baptist Church of Branch. It's been a pretty cool opportunity so far. I've been doing a series of lessons recently on the biblical monarchs of Kings and Chronicles. We go through each of their lives and pick up on the lessons to be learned from them. We started with Solomon, who took a while, and have finally moved on to Rehoboam and Jeroboam.

This week and in the next few weeks, we're going to take a break from our study of the kings and do some special focus lessons as we lead up to Fan the Flame, our annual youth event that will take place on Saturday, August 25. This week, the lesson is on fasting. It's not an issue we've addressed in our youth for a long time, and I think it'll be a neat chance to teach them. I plan on emphasizing that while putting away the eats is the most popular form (and one of the most effective forms) of fasting, it is by no means the only one. It's gonna be good.

And Fan the Flame, you ask? It's a pretty special day. I think it's fantastic that a church our size can put on a youth event like this each year. Of course, God gets all the glory for it; we're merely earthen vessels. It kicks off at 1:00 pm and ends somewhere around 9. We have two worship services, one in the early afternoon and one in the evening. I am privileged to be able to lead worship, along with the rest of the members of our youth group's band, Singled Out. Our speakers are my partners in crime in youth leadership, Chris Russell and Dusty Wright. It's an awesome day, and we believe this year's event will be the best one yet.

The whole point of Fan the Flame is to get a whole bunch of people together (they don't even have to be all youth, though that's our target group) and experience the moving of the Holy Spirit in a mighty way. We've seen some truly amazing things through this event in the past, and, again, we think the best is yet to come.

So yeah, I'm pumped about that. Band practice is tonight, and I'm really looking forward to what we can do as a band this year. We're going to introduce some new songs and hopefully branch out a bit musically.

Dude, I am getting seriously psyched just sitting here typing. To all my readers: Please pray for this event; we can do nothing without the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous men and women of God. Also, if you haven't heard about it yet, please plan on attending and invite some friends to come with you. It's going to be a phenomenal day. Go God!

Now I'd better go work on my lesson a bit.

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Forth Eorlingas