Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Catching Up, and, The Elusive Book

Another week rolling by. The schoolwork looks like it will get really crazy before the semester's over. Can it really be possible that we're actually coming up on midterm? Time flies when you're in love...

I'm beginning to get a little bit frustrated in the writing classes (Advanced Comp and Nonfiction Writing), simply because I don't have the time that I would prefer to spend on the various papers and assignments in those classes. There are a lot of projects going in both, and while I'm not visibly behind yet, I feel like I'm accumulating a wealth of academic debt that I'll have to pay at some point this semester.

But, just have to take things as they come and use spare time to catch up. It's not like life is going to slow down any time soon. And that's okay, because when I have a lot of free time and nothing that really needs doing, I become pretty unproductive, pretty quickly. Busyness isn't always fun, but it just feels right when you're caught up in the midst of it.

The excitement of "the current project" is likely here to stay in one form or another, as well. What I mean by that is that when Hunted finally comes to a close, I'm going to start feeling this massive void due to not having something major like that pressing down on me. So I'm sure I'll start some project or other after that, whether it be a (short) film or a play, or even a book.

It would be so wonderful to get a book written; Lana and I long ago (back in the "just friends" stage, that is) each set the goal of finishing a book before graduation. Of course, I know it's ludicrous to think about starting one right now, with school blazing and Hunted calling; and it may still be ludicrous even after Hunted is in the can (I mean that in the sense of "finished", not in the sense of "kaput"). But it's a dream nonetheless, and at some point you have to start working to make the dream become reality.

What kind of book? Well, a novel, naturally. Fictional storytelling has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I appreciate my Nonfiction Writing course and its emphasis on telling a good story that's true, but I'm frankly more interested in telling fictional stories that are "truthful". Whether that story takes the form of a book, a play, or a movie.

So yeah, we'll see. If I start writing a book, of course I'll let you know -- in time, once I have something substantial, at any rate. I know I'm not ready to write one yet, but as the love of my life pointed out, maybe I need to begin the work before I can truly be ready. Time will tell, and God will reveal.

So what are your dreams, my readers? I actually have a post about the subject of our dreams, waiting to be finished, that will precipitate further discussion. But what are the passions that God has planted in you? I know some of you out there are writers; what else have we got?


Anonymous said...

ooh writing classes!!! fun!
well yes basically you've listed my dream... I love writing and hope to become better at it in the future... someday.

um... "kaput"??

Lady of somethin' er 'nother... said...

I don't write. Yuck! (in most cases) I think that right now my focus, my dream is being a freind and a big sister that is nice and point those I am around to Christ. I have a cd that I love and want to make into a play. It would be awsome! But I figure that to be a pipe dream. But God is God. It may become reality... one day.

Oh and I have a blog that I am using now. I stole it from a friend! lol

Lady ;)

Unknown said...

Ah, right now I wanna finish my novel, about a cinematographer who goes blind. The ideas are coming along, I just need to write it. No time though :^( it's put on hold again... But even though I've begun that novel, there's another one that is my dream, I could see it being my best fiction book, in terms of my passion anyway. Once I write it, I'll tell ya'll what it's about ;^P

By absolutely what is my dream, goal, passion in life is to be married to you, Luke.
And I'm not saying it to be sappy or romantic; I'm saying it because it is absolutely true. (and maybe because right now I miss you so badly.)

Anonymous said...

You are so beautiful, my love. In looks and in so much more. You are my dream too.

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay, okay..
Emy, kaput is like...gone. given up on. Completely and utterly failed...
Lady, YOU DON'T WRITE??? How can you live???
Lana, Hmm. Interesting book, sounds like... :P
And, Luke, I commented to you on Lana's blog...

Anonymous said...

Okay, sorry...
In reply to your post:
I really love writing, reading, music, and I'm beginning to think I really like photography (camera and videocamera)(though I'm not good at it...)...Anyways, yeah...I also really like messing with HTML, and doing blogs and stuff on the internet...


This blog is under reconstruction (not to be confused with the Andrew Johnson administration).

Forth Eorlingas

Forth Eorlingas