Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The first day is over...

Just a quick post; I know, I know, Lana, I need to go to bed rather badly, but I wanted to post real quick.

First day of the job, well, kinda overwhelming, lots of information to take in, but I got through it, and it'll only get easier from here, though maybe not instantly. It feels good to be working a full-time job that pays really well and (hopefully) takes me one step closer to being able to marry the girl of my dreams.

I missed Lana so badly today. We're used to me getting to sneak up on her on the second floor of the library and surprise her in the midst of her studious concentration. Today was the first day in my time as a college student that I've missed class, but the only thing that really mattered was missing Lana. Fortunately, by God's grace, I get to go to class tomorrow, which means that I get to be with her from 9:15 am to 2 pm. I am so unspeakably blessed to have her.

All right, I'll get off and go to bed now, but I wanted to thank you guys for your prayers, and thank you, Brannan, for referring me and encouraging me. Above all, thank you, my Lana Marie, for being my beautiful help-meet, and farther above still, thank You, my Lord and Father, for the unmerited favor You lavishly bestow on me. I am Yours.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you Luke, and I think you are going to do a great job.
I hope you got my email about advanced comp stuff...
I cannot wait to see you tomorrow!


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