Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My darling princess, and, my second day of work

Hello everyone,

First off, please pray for Lana and myself. Last week I was the one with a dilemma to resolve; this week it's my sunshine princess. I'll let her tell you more about it if she chooses, but basically it's an opportunity for her that has some definite pros and cons that need to be weighed. I honestly don't have a clue about what to do right now; I'm glad we have wise parents who can give us godly advice, and I know that God will lead us to the right decision. But we really need your prayers.

I love her so much and I am so proud of her. She wondered tonight why I'm proud of her, when she's struggling with this issue. Oh, darling, do you want me to start trying to list all the ways you make me proud? I would have no clue where to begin; I could talk about the way you love and support me, the way you love and support your family, your hard work for school, your passion for Christ, your example to fellow believers (me, first and foremost, but also others), just the fact that you're drop-dead gorgeous and look good no matter what you're wearing or how much sleep you're riding . . . uh, yeah, I guess that's the beginning of a general list of sorts. But hopefully, at least for now, you get the point.


Second day of work is in the books, and it went more smoothly than the first one. Yesterday I had so much stuff to take in; today I've got most of it down (I think), so I can focus on actually doing the job. And it's not too bad, thus far. Parts of it I enjoyed, parts I didn't enjoy, but boy did it feel good to get to the end of my shift, log out of everything, and call my bride-to-be. Now I've got some homework to do, and then maybe I'll have a bit of free time before bed.

Free time is good; I can't survive without having at least a bit of it every now and then. Of course, I'm having to make do with considerably less than I'm used to, but it's cool; had to do it at some point, and this is as good a time as any.

Well ladies and gents, I'm gonna bounce, take a shower, do said homework, e-mail my princess, and maybe go to bed here in a little while. Shalom out, my Hebrew homies. I love you, Lana, and I'm proud of you, and don't you forget it.


Unknown said...

Thank-you, my wonderful man.
I love you. Good-night, and, shalom.

Unknown said...

I checked email one more time before going to bed, and found the wonderful email from you...
Alright, now I really am going to bed, and I really will be able to sleep.
I love you, and you bless me so much!

Anonymous said...

I love both you...I hope you got some rest. :)

Anonymous said...

Ummmm. Luke, are you SURE you want to "bounce"? I'm pretty sure...never mind.
Anyways...I wish you'd get off the phone so I could call Emy...just kidding. Anyways...already said that, didn't I? Any-AAAAAAAHHHH!!
Bye! (there, that's something different!)

Anonymous said...

Just kidding about WHAT??? Darling Hannah that is a CONFUSING comment! lol...


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